Priyanka Chopra at launch of Sonal Kalras Book. Gorgeous Priyanka Chopra in short pink skirt present at the launch of Sonal Kalras Book “A Calmer You”. Sonal Kalras is the editor of HT City, Delhi. Priyanka Chopra read out some excerpts from the book, after that she mention that, it was clear that this was a fun read, with humorous tips on how to handle stress in life, regardless of whichever profession one comes from. Priyanka Chopra Will be celebrating her birthday on July 18. So Priyanka,Wishing you happy birthday in advanced. Checkout Priyanka Chopra Pictures. More images after the break...
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Saturday, July 31, 2010
Priyanka Chopra at launch of Sonal Kalras Book
First Haircut
Everybody is probably afraid of getting a bad haircut. But when you are an @dult, you can talk to your hairdresser and discuss your future hair style. But if you are a child and if this is your first haircut ever, you react differently. How? More images after the break...
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Megan Fox In Los Angeles
A few very eagle-eyed Megan Fox fans took notice of some pictures of Megan Fox that appeared on the ‘Net yesterday.She was out in Studio City with her husband and was wearing a green-colored “Voltron” t-shirt. Apparently, that T-shirt musta been mixed in with her Victoria’s Secret laundry because it belongs to her step-son, Kassius! WTF?!? The pair were out for a romantic leisurely lunch 27-07-2010. More images after the break...
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Cargo — Fastest delivery
Specialists of the fastest delivery! They probably never heard of that product must be delivered intact. More images after the break...
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5 mistakes that may get your Resume trashed

A cluttered CV
CVs where people simply put all possible information and expect recruiters to scroll through them to find out relevant details. The only destiny these CVs have is getting the 'delete' key pressed and landing up in the trash bins.
HR people get hundreds of applications for a single position. They don't have the time to sift through your CV and see if each candidate suits their purpose. So, it is your job to make your CV as user-friendly, so that they can find the information they are looking for in a single glance. More after the break...
Festival of Mud and Rock under Water
They say that every year in Denmark held a rock festival, which takes place in early July. But some years, rock fans have bad luck with the weather (or maybe good, depending on how you look: D). In the following images to see the wild was the rain, let tents while literally under water. But, as always, never missing people willing to have fun with the mud, fun often ends with scantily clad people (look at the girls in the last picture) and making ridiculous. More images after the break...
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Deceptive Beauty
Cutie? She looks pretty cute… But beware photographs and pretty pictures in social networks such as Facebook.
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Creative Pencil Sculptures
Artists who create beautiful artworks using pencils can’t surprise us nowadays. But Dalton Ghetti found a way how to create miniature masterpieces using pencils. He simply carved the alphabet on the tips of 26 pencils, making letters come alive. More images after the break...
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Zarine Khan late Photoshoot in Saree
Friday, July 30, 2010
Bruno Mars – Just The Way You Are | Single Review
Jika tidak punya cukup power yang menjadii seorang Billionaire, tapi punya power lebih untuk melantunkan vocalnya dan tumbuh menjadi besar, menemukan siapa dirinya seperti ia menemukan burger keju. Jika Nothin’ On You tidak cukup untuk membuat wanita merasa istimewa dan memekik di kursinya, maka debut singel “Just The Way You Are” harus memiliki cukup power untuk membuat para wanita pingsan sebagai penghormatan kepada Bruno Mars, kamu (para lelaki), dan jangan lupakan saya juga.
Sampai di sini, kamu pastinya ingin bertanya, seperti apa sebenarnya genre musik yang diusung oleh Bruno Mars? Apakah R & B? pop? Atau dia seorang Rapper? Sayang sekali, tidak ada penegasan akan hal itu, Bruno Mars sendiri kesulitan untuk menjelaskannya. Bukan karena Dia berusaha untuk keluar dari kotak, Ia hanya mencoba untuk menulis lagu yang menyentuh banyak orang.
Jadi, intinya adalah dengarkan saja lagunya. Ini adalah cara untuk mengatakan bahwa hanya dengan mendengarkan musiknya dan Kamu dengan leluasa menjadi hakim tentang apa dan bagaimana perasaan kamu. Sekaligus sebagai sebuah tantangan untuk menjawab apakah Bruno Mars seorang penyanyi pop atau penyanyi R & B atau penyanyi soul. Bruno Mars ingin para pendengarnya punya kesan pribadi tentang musik yang telah Ia persembahkan.
Tabel info lagu Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are
Album : Doo-Wops & Hooligans Released : July 20, 2010 Format : CD single, Digital download Recorded : 2010 Genre : R&B Length : 3:40 Label : Elektra Writer(s) : Peter Hernandez, Philip Lawrence, Ari Levine, Khalil Walton, Khari Cain Producer : The Smeezingtons, Needlz |
Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are Lyrics:
Oh her eyes, her eyes
Make the stars look like they’re not shining
Her hair, her hair
Falls perfectly without her trying
She’s so beautiful
And I tell her every day
Yeah I know, I know
When I compliment her
She wont believe me
And its so, its so
Sad to think she don’t see what I see
But every time she asks me do I look okay
I say
When I see your face
There’s not a thing that I would change
Cause you’re amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you’re amazing
Just the way you are
Her nails, her nails
I could kiss them all day if she’d let me
Her laugh, her laugh
She hates but I think its so sexy
She’s so beautiful
And I tell her every day
Oh you know, you know, you know
Id never ask you to change
If perfect is what you’re searching for
Then just stay the same
So don’t even bother asking
If you look okay
You know I say
When I see your face
There’s not a thing that I would change
Cause you’re amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you’re amazing
Just the way you are
The way you are
The way you are
Girl you’re amazing
Just the way you are
When I see your face
There’s not a thing that I would change
Cause you’re amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you’re amazing
Just the way you are
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Camera Timer Shot
When people use all features of camera, like timer shot, see the next photo.....
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Top 10 Highest Paid Musicians of 2010
10. Black Eyed Peas - $48 million
Since crossing over to the mainstream in the early 2000s, the Black Eyed Peas have been everywhere from the Super Bowl pre-game show to discussing politics on CNN. A worldwide tour that took them from Switzerland to Mexico brought in $800,000 a night, while the band’s openness to endorsement deals led them to ink commitments with Target, Honda, Bacardi and Apple...More after the break...
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Christina Milian - Candids in Woodland Hills
Christina Milian - Candids in Woodland Hills, Now days she is totally concentrate on workout....More images after the break...
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The Richest Royals in the World
Thailand's King Bhumibol Adulyadej, worth $30 billion
Here is a list of the world's richest kings, queens and other royals, according to Forbes’s new ranking. More after the break...
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She Continues to Surf
Her name is Danielle Bert, her 25 years. She lives in San Diego (California) and, like all young people of her generation, tries to spend time actively and cheerfully. She loves to travel, enjoys extreme sports, go to concerts, communicating with friends, but all the fun give it a little harder than others - in Daniel is not the right leg. More after the break...
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Shriya & Arya from Movie Chikku Bukku
Chikku Bukku stars Arya, Preetika and Shriya in the lead roles. The film is a triangular love story, as it has two heroines. Tamil director Manikandan is directing the movie. Music is composed by Colonial Cousins Hariharan -Leslie Lewis. The movie is being made in Tamil and Telugu at the same time. More images after the break...
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Interview Related Suggestions
Vague objective statement
Instead of a vague objective statement, develop a tagline about what you do or your particular area of expertise.
Too job-oriented
Your resume should not merely be a list of the duties and responsibilities you had at each company you worked for. Provide examples about how you achieved results and success. This may be a good area to outline your strengths.
Using personal pronouns and articles
A resume is a form of business communication, so it should be concise and written in a telegraphic style. There should be no mentions of "I" or "me" and a minimal use of articles.
Listing unnecessary information
You should only include your interests and hobbies if they’re related to the job. For example, if you’re applying to become a nurse manager, you can include that you’ve volunteered at hospitals throughout college. More after the break...
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Instead of a vague objective statement, develop a tagline about what you do or your particular area of expertise.
Too job-oriented
Your resume should not merely be a list of the duties and responsibilities you had at each company you worked for. Provide examples about how you achieved results and success. This may be a good area to outline your strengths.
Using personal pronouns and articles
A resume is a form of business communication, so it should be concise and written in a telegraphic style. There should be no mentions of "I" or "me" and a minimal use of articles.
Listing unnecessary information
You should only include your interests and hobbies if they’re related to the job. For example, if you’re applying to become a nurse manager, you can include that you’ve volunteered at hospitals throughout college. More after the break...
Shakira in Concert
Shakira performs on the Pyramid Stage at Glastonbury Festival at Worthy Farm, Pilton today in Glastonbury, England. This year is the 40th anniversary of the Festival, which was started by dairy farmer Michael Eavis in 1970 and has grown into the largest music festival in Europe. More images after the break...
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Chinese Boy Born with a Mask-Like Face
A Chinese boy born one year ago in Shanghai has a rare transverse facial cleft - his skull has a large horizontal section missing. It looks really creepy but the worst thing is that if the corrective surgery is done on him, it may kill him…Poor little kid. More images after the break...
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Friday, July 23, 2010
Scissor Sisters – Fire With Fire | Single Review
Scissor Sisters punya pengalaman semacam itu, Anda tengok kembali pada tahun 2004, mereka merilis album debut eponymous yang bertahan beberapa minggu di puncak Tangga lagu album di Irlandia dan Inggris dengan ganjaran platinum sebanyak tujuh kali. Tapi kedatangan mereka di album kedua tahun 2006 ‘Ta-Dah!’ tidak sesukses di album pertama tapi single dance I Don’t Feel Like Dancing berhasil mencapai puncak tangga lagu inggris.
Hal itu tidak mengherankan kemudian, bahwa ketika Scissor Sisters mengumumkan akan kembali ke studio rekaman, satu tahun kemudian, Jake Shears akhirnya berjalan keluar dan mengambil libur panjang di jalan-jalan dan klub malam Berlin untuk mendapatkan ‘inspirasi musik’, karena ingin segera mengeluarkan album yang lain setelah buru-buru menulis lagu yang memakan waktu tidak sampai dua tahun, jelas mengurangi kreativitas dan persahabatan dengan seluruh anggota group.
Jadi sekarang, empat tahun setelah ‘Ta-Dah!’ dirilis, Scissor Sisters telah kembali bersama album-brand baru berjudul Nightwork dengan lagu-lagu yang lebih sensual dan super nakal. Tapi setelah mendengarkan lead single mereka Fire With Fire, single ini bukanlah bertemakan soal seks atau hal kotor lainnya. Sebaliknya Fire With Fire merupakan lagu yang penuh semangat, ceria, anthemic, hikayat hidup sesungguhnya-tentang kebangkitan menghadapi rintangan dan melawan “Api Dengan Api”. Jadi punya pesan yang baik, dan punya hook-hook vokal yang mudah diingat.
Yah, memang sedikit menipu single mereka yang satu ini, dimulai dengan nuansa balada dengan vokal Jake terdengar seperti Elton John saat masih muda, serta iringan piano sebagai pemanasan. Tapi bagaimana lagu ini berkembang secara perlahan-lahan dari lagu balada ke lagu dance merupakan sesuatu yang khusus dan keren tentunya, dan yang paling asyik adalah bagian Chorus “You said fight fire with fire, fire with fire, fire with fire / Through desire, desi- sire, desi-, through your desire” yang berhasil dibawakan tanpa cacat. Memang single ini dipengaruhi oleh sedikit U2, Elton John, dan elemen-elemen Take That ditambahkan dalam takaran yang baik. Namun terkadang mendengarkan Fire With Fire akan mengingatkan kita dengan Human-nya The Killers.
So there, Jake Shears has proved, sometimes all you need is a good night out being reckless, having fun, getting hammered… Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m on about…!
Scissor Sisters - Fire with Fire Lyrics :
You can see that you’re being surrounded every direction,
Love was just something you found to add to your collection,
It used to seem we were number one, but now it sounds so far away,
I had a dream we were running from some blazing arrows yesterday,
You said fight fire with fire, fire with fire, fire with fire
Through desire, desi- sire, desi-, through your desire
Now the city blocks out the sun that you know is rising,
You can show me the work that you’ve done, your fears have been disguising,
Is it just me or is everyone, hiding out between the lights,
Where will we be when we come undone? Just a simple meeting of the minds
Singing we’ll fight fire with fire, fire with fire, fire with fire
Through desire, desi- sire, desi-, through your desire
We’ll fight fire with fire, fire with fire, fire with fire
Your desire, desi- sire, desi-, through your desire
And while [?] in your stars
There’s a million else burning brightly just like fire fight,
It’s cold and heaven surround you every direction,
Cause there’s someone behind every hand that you’ve made a connection
And now we’re free to be number one, morning isn’t far away,
I had a dream we were holding on, and tomorrow as we come today, we come today
And we’ll fight with fire, fire with fire, fire with fire
Through desire, desi- sire, desi-, through your desire
We’ll fight fire with fire, fire with fire, fire with fire
Your desire, desi- sire, desi-, through your desire
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Hansika Motwani — Stills from Tamil Movie Launch
Hansika Motwani Latest Stills from Tamil Movie Launch. Latest stills of Hansika Motwani from Vijay's Tamil movie 'Velayutham' launch. Ilayathalapathy Vijay’s new flick titled ‘Velayudham’ which is being directed by Jayam Raja has been launched today morning in a grand event above 55,000 and Plus die-hard fans at the Madras University Hall.“Vijay plays an enterprising youngster while Genelia is doing the role of a journalist. Hansika Motwani and Saranya Mohan are also doing crucial characters. More images after the break...
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Nokia Kinetic - Concept Phone
The Nokia Kinetic isn't just a sleek concept phone. It's a sleek concept phone that raises itself up into a standing position when a call comes in. Huh? Inside the Kinetic is an electromagnet that can shift weights in the curved base, causing the phone to tilt upright on cue, that cue being an incoming call. Telemarketer again? Tap the phone to decline the call and it'll fall back down. It's intended to be a playful feature, though I can see it being useful in a quiet office where even vibrating phones are sometimes an irritant to others. More images after the break...
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The world's largest dam is located in China
Flooding in central China feels the strength of the world's largest dam - Three Gorges. It is reported that it now to the limit - resets 70,000 cubic meters of water per second. This is a record. However, the water level every hour only grows. The consequences, according to the engineers, can be disastrous, especially considering that the flooding in the area have already left homeless tens of thousands of people and caused material damage to millions of yuan. Evacuate had about a million people. More Images after the break...
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7 Reasons Why the World is Best Explored on Foot
We travel the world for pleasure, business or to meet family and friends, and mostly, we let ourselves be transported by planes, trains, cars and whatever means are appropriate. But, if we stop for a moment and think about the origin of the word 'travel' we will realize that we often neglect the most natural means of transport - our feet.
'Travel' derives from the Old French word 'travail' which means work. This in turn apparently goes back to the Latin word 'tripalium' which was a three-legged sort of whip used by the Romans to drive slaves. Being on the move was work, walking miles and miles to get from A to B, getting dirty and sweaty in the process.
No modern-day traveler is required to submit himself to torture, but a little bit of 'travail' by exploring our destinations on foot, as opposed to hopping on a tour bus and letting yourself be guided to pre-selected destinations, goes a long way to increasing the pleasure of travel. We travel to satisfy our curiosity and to discover the real side of the country of our choice. If we don't put in a bit of legwork we will miss out on all of the following:
'Travel' derives from the Old French word 'travail' which means work. This in turn apparently goes back to the Latin word 'tripalium' which was a three-legged sort of whip used by the Romans to drive slaves. Being on the move was work, walking miles and miles to get from A to B, getting dirty and sweaty in the process.
No modern-day traveler is required to submit himself to torture, but a little bit of 'travail' by exploring our destinations on foot, as opposed to hopping on a tour bus and letting yourself be guided to pre-selected destinations, goes a long way to increasing the pleasure of travel. We travel to satisfy our curiosity and to discover the real side of the country of our choice. If we don't put in a bit of legwork we will miss out on all of the following:
Meeting the locals
You have arrived at your destination and the first thing you do is get your bearings. More after the break...
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Sunday, July 18, 2010
World’s Most Tattooed Woman
Julia Gnuse – nicknamed the ‘illustrated lady’ – has 95 per cent of her body covered in ink, ranging from jungle scenes and cartoons to her favourite actors. Miss Gnuse, from California, started getting tattoos on her legs after developing a skin condition called porphyria, which causes the skin to blister when exposed to sunlight. More images after the break...
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Ashley Greene Tight Jeans & Boots at supermarket - July 13
Ashley Greene Tight Jeans & Boots at supermarket - July 13 More images after the break...
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Flying Over a Strip of Beach
Princess Juliana International Airport (IATA: SXM, ICAO: TNCM) (also known as Sint Maarten International Airport) serves the Dutch part of the island of Saint Martin. In 2007, the airport handled 1,647,824 passengers and 103,650 aircraft movements. The airport serves as a hub for Windward Islands Airways and is the major gateway for the smaller Leeward Islands, including Anguilla, Saba, St. Barthélemy and St. Eustatius. It is named after Juliana of the Netherlands, who as crown princess landed here in 1944, the year after the airport opened. There is also an airport on the French side of the island near Marigot, called Aéroport de Grand Case or L'Espérance Airport.The airport was started as a military airstrip in 1942. It was converted to a civilian airport in 1943. In 1964 the airport was remodeled and relocated, with a new terminal building and control tower. The facilities were upgraded in 1985 and 2001. More Images after the break...
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Olly Murs – Please Don’t Let Me Go | Single Review
‘Please Don’t Let Me Go’ adalah single pertama dari album Olly Murs mendatang, dimana seniman-seniman musik yang bertanggung jawab menulis lagu ini adalah Steve Robson (Cascada – what Hurts the Most) dan Claude Kelly (Kelly Clarkson – My Life Would Suck Whithout You dan Miley Cyrus – Party In The U.S.A). Pasangan ini memiliki silsilah yang baik sebagai penulisan hit-hit keren, tapi sayangnya setiap orang punya waktu untuk berlibur sekarang dan kemudian.
‘Please Don’t Let Me Go’ dimulai dengan musik semacam bebunyian yang terdapat pada mobil penjual es krim, terdengar jelas seperti One Love-nya Bob Marley dengan musik yang agak samar-samar kemudian nuansa kelam terus terjaga sepanjang lagu. Mereka mencoba untuk mempersembahkan sebuah lagu dengan sound yang lebih lengkap, namun sangat enak untuk didengar, smooth dan kontras dengan melodi-melodi cerdik, menyentuh ranah klasik bahkan reggae. Pada poin lain, ‘You Woman’-nya White Town menyelinap bercampur ke dalam lagu. Sentuhan musik ala Lily Allen, Paolo Nutini, dan UB40 juga ada. Benar-tidak-nya mengenai hal itu, tapi gabungan tersebut memberikan pengaruh-pengaruh dalam lagu ini hingga terasa kekinian.
Saya sebenarnya masih bertanya-tanya apa iya seperti ini gaya bernyanyi dan musik Olly Murs? Jujur saja, saya tidak pernah mendengar lagu-lagu Olly Murs sebelumnya. Bahkan untuk lagu ini, pertama kali baca infonya, saya tidak ada rasa tertarik untuk men-download apalagi mendengarkannya. Kepala saya saat itu masih sibuk mendengar lagu-lagu dari Alpha Rev, Brandon Flowers, Dave Barnes dll. Begitulah, apa yang datang dan apa yang pergi selalu terjadi silih berganti. Setiap orang ada masanya dan setiap masa ada orangnya. Seperti apapun dia, untuk saat ini, Olly Murs telah mempersembahkan kepada anda Please Don’t Let Me Go, sisanya apakah anda suka atau tidak suka lagunya, itu bisa menjadi pilihan atau selera anda tentunya. Bagi saya sendiri, ini lagu yang keren, unik dan menyenangkan!
Please Don’t Let Me Go Lyrics :
Where do I begin?
Should I tell you
How bad I need you now, yeah
You’re underneath my skin
But I’m confused
My head is spinning all around
I waited so long
I need to know, darling
What is on your mind
Normally I try to run
And I might even want to hide
Cause I never knew what I wanted
Til I looked into your eyes
So am I in this alone?
What I’m looking for is a sign
That you feel how I feel for you
Baby please don’t let me go
Baby please don’t let me go
Baby please don’t let me go
No, please don’t let me go
Baby no, no, no, no
What else can I say? (Can I say)
My heart is beating double time, yeah
And do you feel the same? (Do you feel the same)
Don’t leave me in the dark, no
But baby don’t put out this spark, no
I waited so long
I need to know, darling
What is on your mind
Normally I try to run
And I might even want to hide
Cause I never knew what I wanted
Til I looked into your eyes
So am I in this alone?
What I’m looking for is a sign
That you feel how I feel for you
Baby please don’t let me go
Baby please don’t let me go
Baby please don’t let me go
No, please don’t let me go
Baby no, no, no, no
Caught in the inquisition
Under these conditions
I need a definition
Is it love that we’re sharing
Show me that you’re caring
You see my fascination
Tell me I’m not mistaken
Give me the information I need
1, 2, 3
Normally I try to run
And I might even want to hide
Cause I never knew what I wanted
Til I looked into your eyes
So am I in this alone?
What I’m looking for is a sign
That you feel how I feel for you
Baby please don’t let me go (Don’t let me go)
Baby please don’t let me go (Please don’t let me go)
Baby please don’t let me go (Don’t let me go)
No, please don’t let me go
Baby no, no, no, no
Kenny G Feat. Robin Thicke - Fall Again | Single Review
Robin Thicke dalam lagu ini bernyanyi dengan suara khas-nya seperti dalam Sex Therapy misalnya yang sangat emosional dan penuh penjiwaan. Kombinasi suaranya dan saksofon Kenny benar-benar menjangkau nada-nada dalam lagu ini dengan sempurna. Sekali lagi, Perfect!
“Fall Again” adalah single pertama dari album studio ke-13 Kenny G berjudul “Heart and Soul” yang dirilis pada tanggal 29 Juni 2010. Single “Fall Again” ini ditulis, disusun dan diproduseri oleh Walter Afanasieff (yang telah bekerja sama dengan Christina Aguilera, Michael Bolton, Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, Mika dan Barbra Streisand) dan Robin Thicke sendiri.
Michael Jackson merekam demo “Fall Again” pada tahun 1999, menampilkan vokal latar Robin Thicke untuk album Invincible-nya MJ yang dirilis tahun 2001, akan tetapi lagu itu tidak pernah selesai, dan karena itu tidak dimuat dalam album terakhir MJ tersebut. Demo ini kemudian dirilis pada tanggal 16 November 2004 sebagai salah satu track di album limited edition box set – The Ultimate Collection milik Sang Raja Pop, Michael Jackson.
Glenn Lewis juga merekam lagu ini sebagai soundtrack film Maid in Manhattan yang dirilis pada 10 Desember 2002.
Kenny G Feat. Robin Thicke – Fall Again Lyrics :
Feels like a fire that burns in my heart
Every single moment that we spend apart
I need you around for every day to start
I haven’t left you alone
Something about you, starin’ in your eyes
Everything I’m looking for I seem to find
All this time away is killing me inside
I need your love in my life
I wanna spend time till it end
I wanna fall with you again
Like we did when we first met
I wanna fall with you again
Fought in a battle, but nobody won
Left ourselves a mountain to be overcome
You can’t run away, the past is said and done
I need us to carry on
I wanna spend time till it end
I wanna fall with you again
Like we did when we first met
I wanna fall with you again
You’ll try everything
You never thought it before
When you live, when you love, and you give them your all
You’re always give up some more
Baby nothing means anything
unless you’re here to share it with me
I can breathe, I can bleed, I can die in my sleep
You’re always there in my dreams
I wanna spend time till it end
I wanna fall with you again
Like we did when we first met
I wanna fall with you again
I wanna spend time till it end
I wanna fall with you again
Like we did when we first met
I wanna fall with you again
All that I find here in my heart
(that’s cool.. ooh-aah…
Thursday, July 15, 2010
The Most Unusual Buildings Around The World
1. The public library in Kansas City, USA
All the buildings reflect the desire of their creators. The builders have stepped away from the ordinary standard of architecture, we can say that these prominent structures are among the unique treasures of the world, which transmit the bizarre sense of uniqueness, which shows contemporary exotic forms of external and internal design and permissible visionary architect. More images after the break...
Super Creative Motorcycle Helmets
If I saw a biker in a helmet, it would have been a long time to smile, a very cool idea! More images after the break...
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Narmada — Govinda’s Daughter Bollywood Debut
Narmada Ahuja is Govinda’s daughter ready to enter bollywood. First, lets get her name spelling correct - numerologist Niraj Mancchanda already added few more M and A to her name. More after the break...
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Cristiano Ronaldo on the Beach
Cristiano Ronaldo on the beach, I hope it is better place to feel free. More images after the break...
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Chinese on the Beach
The Chinese are also people and they have just as hot in here, everyone wants to swim, but how to do this in a country with a population of 1.34 billion people? It turns out everything really, you become more tightly to each other and stand to cool in a cool drink of water:) More images after the break...
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A Brave Boy
This boy's name is Gabe Marsh, originally from the U.S. state of Alabama, he was born with one arm and no legs. But this does not prevent him play for the school in swimming, and even with the results from past competitions, he won second place. More images after the break...
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Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Wireless Baby Monitor
Keep an extra pair of eyes (and ears) on your baby from anywhere in the house with this Wireless Baby Monitor, which features night vision and remote pan/tilt control. With this Wireless Baby Monitor, you finally have the freedom to watch TV, entertain guests, do household chores, exercise, and even sleep with peace of mind that you will always know when your baby needs you. A 2.5 inch LCD screen lets you to keep an eye on the little ones without having to wake them, while the built-in mic allows you to hear their every cry and yell. More after the break...
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Top 10 Caribbean Islands
1. Anguilla
A sister of the Leeward island chain, Anguilla is truly one of the most romantic places on earth. Tucked away in the middle of the tranquil Caribbean Sea, a magical island lives and breathes a dynamic culture amidst a Garden of Eden of white sandy beaches and scintillating azure waters. As one sways with the ebb and flow of the gentle currents, you become a witness to nature’s perfect functions when left untouched.
The Caribbean is unlike any other place in the world. It is home to some of the most beautiful islands and waters you will find anywhere. You will see white sandy beaches and crystal blue waters filled with some amazing marine life. The cultures that you will encounter are among the most carefree and relaxing in the world. More images after the break...
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Amisha Patel — The MAN Magazine July 2010
Amisha Patel Photoshoot for The MAN Magazine (July 2010). I was right when I said “B0mbshell Back in Business”. Amisha always remain in news by whatever mean, she try to mark her come back item song in “Thoda Pyaar Thoda Magic” but didn’t get more, here is her second attempt to get noticed. She looks fab in the photoshoot, moreover , she wants to play a role Gundi (Gangstar) as shared by her during the interview to The MAN Magazine. Anyway checkout Amisha Patel The Man Photoshoot after the break...
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The Oldest Person Turns 130
Authorities in the former Soviet republic of Georgia claim a woman from a remote mountain village turned 130, making her the oldest person on Earth. Antisa Khvichava from western Georgia was born on July 8, 1880, said Georgiy Meurnishvili, spokesman for the civil registry at the Justice Ministry. The woman, who lives with her 40-year-old grandson in an idyllic vine-covered country house in the mountains, retired from her job as a tea and corn picker in 1965, when she was 85, records say.
Antisa 'the oldest person on Earth' turns 130 (and she doesn't look a day over)
Birthday in bed: Antisa Khvichava rests during her 130th birthday party in the village of Sachino, Georgia. She claims to be the oldest person in the world 'I've always been healthy, and I've worked all my life - at home and at the farm,' Antisa said, in a bright dress and headscarf - and red lipstick. Sitting in the chair and holding her cane, Antisa spoke quietly through an interpreter - since she never went to school to learn Georgian and speaks only the local language, Mingrelian. Her age couldn't immediately be independently verified. Her birth certificate was lost - one of the great number to have disappeared in the past century amid revolutions and a civil war which followed the collapse of the USSR. More Images after the break...
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10 American Rivers at Risk
1. The Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta
The Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta in California was second on the list. American Rivers cited two efforts to reenginer the water supply and flood control systems as threats to the delta. This photo shows the Sacramento River. This post features a list of 10 American rivers which are according to from the U.S. environmental group American Rivers are really endangered. More images after the break...
Victims of Bulls
Every year from July 7th-14th thousands pack into Pamplona to start Spain's most famous bull-running fiesta to honour Navarre capital's patron saint, San Fermin. Spain stages more than 3,000 fiestas (festivals) each year but the 7 days of bull-running are the favourite in terms of spectacle and excitement. More Images after the break...
Friday, July 9, 2010
Morcheeba – Even Though | Single Review
Semangat setia independen Morcheeba tampaknya masih belum luntur. Pengembangan suasana hati mereka tercermin dalam kehalusan gitar instrumental mengiringi vokal lembut Skye Edwards yang indah itu. Indah sekali. Meskipun dengan pendekatan nada-nada rendah, menghangatkan (batin), rasanya bisa memberikan penegasan dengan jelas bahwa “Even Though” bukan hanya sekedar musik latar.
Suara kilap Skye Edwards bercerita tentang pikiran astronot sekarat saat ia bergerak menjauh dari bumi. Ketika Ia akan memasuki ruang yang lain, Ia melihat kembali keindahan bumi, ia membayangkan tentang mengapa kita masih saling membunuh dan menghancurkan planet kita jika planet kita punya keindahan untuk dilihat-dinikmati.
Even Though lyrics by Morcheeba:
constant drifting space no fear by a pepper moon
look at all the waves down here did we peak too soon
all the deadly dreams we had that i cant believe
the universal messages that we don’t receive
even though we know its forever changing
even though we know we lie and wait
even though we know the hidden danger
i hope its not too late
slowly follow shining stars for the solar flare
im on borrowed time right now running low on air
its a pity you cant see such a travesty
gonna give myself to the deep majesty
even though we know its forever changing
even though we know we lie and wait
Morcheeba Even Though lyrics found on
even though we know the hidden danger
i hope its not too late
la na na naa
la na na ne naa
la la na naa na naa
even though we know its forever changing
even though we know we lie and wait
even though we know the hidden danger
i hope its not too late
even though we know its forever changing
even though we know we lie and wait
even though we know the hidden danger
i hope its not too late
la la na naa
la na na ne naa
la la na naa na naa
Madhurima Latest Photoshoot
Madhurima Latest look in Saree. Presently she doing Main Female lead in Vamsi's Saradaga Kasepu with Allari Naresh In Lead. rechagotte vidam ga chira kattukunna madhurima. More images after the break...
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Brooke Hogan at Gym
Brooke Hogan and her sm0kin’ got ready for her upcoming performance at Spiedie Fest 2010 in New York in Miami, with Glenn Packard at a local gym. While she may be wearing more than we’re used to seeing her in but even in her workout clothes. It’s hard to believe that she is daughter of man like Hulk Hogan. Good thing she gets her looks from her mom – and her attitude from her dad. Something tells me, she’d come out on top. Hope the backup dancers are ready. More images after the break...
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World’s Top 20 Largest Mosques
20. Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem
Al-Aqsa Mosque also known as al-Aqsa, is an Islamic holy place in the Old City of Jerusalem. The site that includes the mosque (along with the Dome of the Rock) is also referred to as al-Haram ash-Sharif or “Sacred Noble Sanctuary”, a site also known as the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism, the place where the First and Second Temples are generally accepted to have stood. Widely considered as the third holiest site in Islam, Muslims believe that the prophet Muhammad was transported from the Sacred Mosque in Mecca to al-Aqsa during the Night Journey. Islamic tradition holds that Muhammad led prayers towards this site until the seventeenth month after the emigration, when God ordered him to turn towards the Ka’aba. Al-Aqsa is comes as twentieth largest mosque of the world. A mosque is a place of worship for followers of Islam. Muslims often refer to the mosque by its Arabic name, Masjid. The mosque serves as a place where Muslims can come together for prayer as well as a center for information, education and dispute settlement. This post features top 20 largest mosques of the world, hope you will like our effort. read more after the break...20 photos..
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