Thursday, June 2, 2011

liebe ist fur alle da special edition

liebe ist fur alle da special edition. Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da (Special
  • Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da (Special

  • ThaDoggg
    Mar 28, 09:49 AM
    Looking forward to this event. Will be great to stream some of these conferences after they happen.

    liebe ist fur alle da special edition. Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da Limited
  • Liebe Ist Fur Alle Da Limited

  • mjstew33
    Sep 22, 07:51 PM
    I think the only way they can make them better than they are now is adding HUGE hard drives. Like 300GB standard and like 2.3GHz proccesors.

    But I don't think that'll ever happen ;)

    liebe ist fur alle da special edition. liebe ist fur alle da.
  • liebe ist fur alle da.

  • DeaconGraves
    Mar 15, 11:50 AM
    Was at Knox Street at opening and they said that there would be no iPads for sale today.

    Also went by the AT&T Store on Oak Lawn yesterday. They said they weren't expecting iPads for another few weeks.

    liebe ist fur alle da special edition. Rammstein,Liebe Ist Für Alle
  • Rammstein,Liebe Ist Für Alle

  • kiljoy616
    Feb 25, 03:52 AM
    Throughout the attempts to lay blame on parents, there is a bogus assumption that the 15 minute password time extension is obvious and/or that parental restriction ability is known or easy to use.

    Millions of people buy the iPhone because it's supposed to be "intuitive" and NOT require reading a manual or spending time researching every Settings menu. (Just look at all the fanboys claiming Android is "harder" because it has more options.)

    Not only are in-app restrictions buried in Settings where it's not quick to get to, but worse: in typical Apple iOS fashion there's no way to set a purchase option per app... it's only a global setting.

    Since Apple is quick to refund such mistaken in-app purchases, even they have tacitly acknowledged that there is a problem.

    So it's likely that a change will be made. If you were an Apple developer given the task to fix the problem, what would you do?


    liebe ist fur alle da special edition. liebe ist fur alle da box set.
  • liebe ist fur alle da box set.

  • flosseR
    Mar 29, 09:31 AM
    thatisme....give up.. you are trying in vain to recover from a grave mistake..

    effectively you HAVE argued wrong:

    Originally Posted by thatisme
    YOU WILL GET DIFFERENT IMAGES IF YOU USE A 200mm EF Lens on a 7D (APS-C) and a 200mm EF-S lens on that same camera due to the FOVCF

    This WILL in fact create the eEXACT same image... It does not matter what focal length it is, the SENSOR will create the image.. the only difference is that the EFs lens has a smaller image circle.. NOTHING ELSE changes!!! absolutely NOTHING. I don't get what your problem is.. the mm amount on the lens is what matters... if you only get a 1.6x crop out of the resulting image in comparison to a full 35mm frame has no relevance to the lens.


    end of story.

    A canon 55-200 EF-s and a 70-200L lens at 200mm on a canon 7D will produce the exact same image...the same as if you would mount both lenses on a full frame body and crop the image by 1.6.

    end of this meaningless discussion now.. geez

    liebe ist fur alle da special edition. Rammstein - Liebe Ist Fur Alle
  • Rammstein - Liebe Ist Fur Alle

  • G4er?
    Apr 5, 08:50 AM
    If needing to carry a computer all the time everywhere I go is normal I'm glad I'm not normal. I enjoy using a computer but I also enjoy being able to walk away from them and exist without one too.


    liebe ist fur alle da special edition. rammstein LIEBE IST FUR ALLE
  • rammstein LIEBE IST FUR ALLE

  • citizenzen
    Apr 12, 06:16 PM
    We can choose not to employ someone born stupid because they'd do a worse job so why can we not also choose not to employ somebody born of a particular ethnicity if they'd do a worse job because of it?

    You'll have to explain how a person would do a worse job simply because of their ethnicity.

    liebe ist fur alle da special edition. Liebe Ist Für Alle Da
  • Liebe Ist Für Alle Da

  • hulugu
    Aug 16, 12:34 AM
    Hear hear!

    Excellent examples of good advertising. Nothing about the HP ads insulted the target audience, stereotyped, or posted stuff the viewers knew was false (therefore ensuring distrust of the maker.)

    There's so much that's good about the Mac, and the current ads hide those positive traits in favour of defining the Mac in terms of the PC and generating hostility at the same time.

    I know a lot of PC users. I know geeks and non-geeks alike. I can't say I've met anyone who thought better of the Mac after watching the "I'm a Mac" ads, and I've met several that thought worse of it. And geeks are telling their families and friends, at the moment, that the ads are misleading, and Apple's reputation is suffering as a result.

    I don't think for the general public the ads really do much, the emotional reaction to the ads is mostly confined to geeks and geek press. Really, for people looking for a computer any commercial about Apple, especially a beautiful and well-designed one, is a good thing and reminds them about the company and it's very cool systems.
    But, I like the cool stuff aspect of HP's ads rather than the Mac vs. PC version of the 'Get a Mac' ads.


    liebe ist fur alle da special edition. Album: Liebe ist fuer alle da
  • Album: Liebe ist fuer alle da

  • joemama
    Oct 26, 04:49 PM
    Random yet related question:

    What do people recommend using to record basic voiceovers in iMovie and FCExpress? My high school students currently use ProTools and Mbox and it's just way too complicated to record a simple voiceover.

    liebe ist fur alle da special edition. Rammstein - liebe ist fur alle
  • Rammstein - liebe ist fur alle

  • Hellhammer
    Apr 21, 09:26 AM
    even the normal ones cant match up to the 320m esp in windows so i wonder how a 6EU underclocked/volted HD3000 would be able to catch up:mad:

    All mobile CPUs have Intel HD 3000 which has 12 EUs.


    liebe ist fur alle da special edition. rammstein liebe ist fur alle
  • rammstein liebe ist fur alle

  • crisss1205
    Apr 12, 05:42 PM
    Will all the resellers buying all the AT&T versions I call BS on those stats.

    Go to a store and I guarantee you can't buy an at&t model, but vzw are in stock everywhere.

    There is NO way Vzw is outselling AT&T version, NO way, it's impossible.

    My guess is maybe people in the mid-west would PREFER vzw, but they'll never buy one anyway...

    I agree, I waited on line on launch day. The first iPads to be sold out were the AT&T models, then WiFi, then Verizon.

    liebe ist fur alle da special edition. liebe ist fur alle da.
  • liebe ist fur alle da.

  • NorCalLights
    May 1, 09:16 AM
    let us know frame rates etc!

    My Late-2009 Mac Pro runs it on Ultra settings with no lag or stuttering. I don't know the frame rate, but it looks like it's at least 50fps to me. Very smooth, even during very large battles.

    Your i7 iMac should be fine.


    liebe ist fur alle da special edition. Liebe Ist Für Alle Da dans
  • Liebe Ist Für Alle Da dans

  • dampfnudel
    Apr 21, 02:05 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    So, it's most likely they are going do these things.

    1. One device that will work on both VZ and AT&T network
    2. 32GB and 64G storage.
    3. 1080P recording with 8 megapixel camera
    4. A5 chip
    5. Maybe higher ram or maybe not.
    6. Throw in something new... like better gyroscope or something to just make iPhone 4 outdated, but nothing major.

    This is BS. It's not good enough, apple.

    That sounds good enough to me and the millions who will buy it.

    liebe ist fur alle da special edition. Rammstein - Liebe Ist Fur Alle
  • Rammstein - Liebe Ist Fur Alle

  • jacg
    Sep 25, 04:58 PM
    I can display a 10,000 x 8.000 pixel picture on an iPod if I throw away 99% of the data as well. But why would you want to use such a huge file for no reason? Not only would it take up vast amounts of space, but you have to process all that "throwing away" info on the fly.

    The new videos take longer for you to download, use more storage space on the iPod, require the iPod to downsample at playback, and cost Apple more bandwidth.

    So why would Apple do all this if they weren't in fact planing to USE the new format on an iPod? Soem may say "it's for rregular Macs", but this size is too SMALL for to build a new standard for computers. So the only conclusion I can reach is that it has to be for a new iPod to come...

    Front Row? iTV?


    liebe ist fur alle da special edition. liebe ist fur alle da album
  • liebe ist fur alle da album

  • damado
    Sep 20, 03:21 PM
    So far I just did the first upgrade, went into windows and I'm at UDMA 5 now...was at UDMA 4 with the slipstreamed driver XP install. I still get 59MB/s which is good with the 160 stock HD.

    liebe ist fur alle da special edition. [Liebe.Ist.Fur.Alle.Da].
  • [Liebe.Ist.Fur.Alle.Da].

  • CanadaRAM
    Sep 17, 11:43 AM
    Here's the thing:

    When she approached you, it was on her terms. Maybe she wanted to chat, maybe she thought you were interesting, whatever.

    When you came back later and initated eye contact, it was on your terms, and that changed the whole dynamic, and took the control of the interaction out of her hands and into yours.

    Remember, she HAS to be there 'cause it's her job. So, she knows that any number of anonymous guys can show up whenever they like to hit on her (and probably do on a weekly basis) - that can feel threatening. Running into the back would be a clue here.

    I don't see a hopeful ending here. Hanging around the Apple store or the mall at shift changing times would be, well, not good unless you want a close up introduction to the big guy from Security. If you hafta go into the Apple store for Apple reasons, seek out the first male employee you see for help and do not make eye contact with Ms. X.

    Sorry dude, all the lights are red at this intersection.


    liebe ist fur alle da special edition. Liebe Ist Für Alle Da
  • Liebe Ist Für Alle Da

  • Krio
    Mar 24, 06:44 PM
    I just grabbed a 16 gb 3g off ebay for $350, so I don't feel too bad. :D

    liebe ist fur alle da special edition. Rammstein - Liebe Ist Für Alle
  • Rammstein - Liebe Ist Für Alle

  • UngratefulNinja
    Dec 27, 06:35 PM
    Interesting. Wonder if they've pulled them from the Apple stores there too.

    liebe ist fur alle da special edition. liebe ist fur alle da lyrics
  • liebe ist fur alle da lyrics

  • alent1234
    Jan 4, 10:47 AM
    I worked for what was then called Cingular and was in the New York section, and I can honestly tell you New Yorkers are a breed of their own. We got calls constantly about dropped signals, but when probed it was because they were in a subway. Towers are abundant in the NYC area so it is amazing they have discontinued them.

    New Yorkers probably and appreciate the iPhone more than anyone else who has them.

    lately i'm getting a signal in a quite a few places in the NYC subway on my iphone. i'll be waiting for the train and next thing you know my phone vibrates.

    Feb 28, 08:17 PM

    Sep 13, 09:06 AM
    Originally posted by chmorley

    p.s., Dell a "top tier" vendor?
    Funny, I was thinking exactly the same thing :D

    Feb 13, 01:14 PM
    ive got an older imac ...operating 10.4...downloaded max to transfer flac to apple lossless...ive plugged in the harddrive (a gift) loaded w flac files videos and photos...boy am i lost ...i know how to plug the harddrive in it's showing up but what to do ?
    thanks Brett:rolleyes:

    Mar 13, 10:17 AM
    Checked my phone at about 3:06 this morning, when I hit the sleep/wake button the lockscreen clock said 2:06, but as soon as I unlocked the screen the clock adjusted to 3:06, hardly a problem for me, and Verizon iPhone by the way.

    Nov 18, 09:31 PM
    The real crime is that there are people with hundreds of dollars to throw away on pretty phone covers while a billion people on the planet don't even have access to safe drinking water.

    I'm sure my logic will be ripped apart, but I've made my point. :cool:

    Do you have an iPhone 4 ? A car? Or other "non essential items" / luxury items ? EVERYONE, yes even individuals who want to make constant "poor starving African children" stance, have possessions they could do without. Sell your phone, sell your car, stop going to the movies, enjoy basic sustenance and give all your savings to foundations to help those in other counties...THEN you can scold everyone else about how they spend their hard earned dollars on luxury items

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