Wednesday, June 1, 2011

birthday quotes for love

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  • cardpip
    Oct 24, 12:55 PM
    Out of interest, does anyone know anything about a special offer on Macs bought on Friday, because I seem to remember reading that there was a 10% discount on all Macs bought on the day that Tiger was released? Has anyone heard about anything like this?

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  • scottgroovez
    Apr 25, 04:02 PM
    DVD's are cheap, people have DVD drives makes sense to have it available as ONE of the formats. Why do users other than MBA owners need to have it come on a thumb drive?

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  • kalun
    Oct 10, 07:19 PM
    Um...right..another rumour.

    I still remember back in August, a Chinese magazine says merom Macbook/Pro will be upgraded in September. And where is it now?

    And then there was another rumour that there is a shipment of laptops. And where is it now?

    There were also another rumour that merom laptops will be upgraded by the end of August, and will be announce on the same day as dell/sony/... etc. And where is merom macbook/pro now?

    All I am trying to say is, the accuracy of these report is very low, and if anyone is putting high hopes in it, be prepare to be disappointed....I think, however, apple will upgrade macbook pro before holiday seasons, and macbook in January.

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  • tmphoto
    Sep 27, 12:27 PM
    Could be that the 400D came with the latest software. Have you tried getting an update from the Canon website (DPP 2.2 etc). I can PM you the version numbers of the various utilities later on if you want?

    Thanks but, yes I spent hours on it the day I realized there was a problem. First reinstalling, then checking for updates and after a lot failure I checked the forums at dpreview and found that I was not alone and that it was in fact the OS update that caused it.
    Canon's site even acknowledges the problem.


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  • Laird Knox
    May 2, 02:47 PM
    All this image shows is that the person measuring the white iPhone 4 has no idea how to use a caliper. The idea of a caliper isn't to squeeze the crap out of whatever you're measuring. It is obvious that the in the right picture they are squeezing much harder just looking at the discoloration of the persons skin on their thumb.

    So you maintain that applying pressure to the thumb wheel somehow transfers the jaws?

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  • Eraserhead
    Apr 13, 01:01 PM
    So if there are no objections is there any chance we could implement this?


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    Nov 14, 07:18 PM
    From Potus:"Charles Carroll, a devout Roman Catholic, was a signer of the Declaration of Independence.:rolleyes"

    Arggghhhh... I missed that day in class. Not really. I did forget, though. Don't know how I forgot... he was a fairly famous guy. The nuns would be so mad at me!

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  • Happy Birthday, my love!

  • Giuly
    Apr 29, 03:52 PM
    $4 a gallon? Hilarious.
    1.61€ = $2.386/Liter. $9.031 per US gallon. And that's 95RON EuroSuper, which equals the US' premium/supreme (91AKI).

    EuroSuper Plus 98RON/94AKI is $9.365 a gallon - and there is 100/102RON Shell V-Power Racing/Aral Ultimate, which comes near $8/gallon.

    The prices are mostly due "eco taxes", which make about 40% of the price.

    To my knowledge, this is the cheapest gas station in town. I'll give you Shell tomorrow, I guess there is something on the "menu" beyond $10, as the prices are rising really fast recently.

    Only good thing here is that the sunset in the picture looks nice.


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  • PBF
    Oct 6, 01:26 PM
    iPhone Mini (3.5") and iPhone Maxi (4" or 4.5") would be so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111

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  • King Cobra
    Sep 14, 07:08 AM
    >(MacBandit) First of all what do you consider great boot times? Not that this matters a lot. I have a new Dual Ghz/DDR and it starts from cold boot to login in screen in 27secs with 10.2 and from login to operating finder is nearly instantaneous.

    With 10.2, sure, boot time on the Mac has significantly improved. But I've noticed that with the PCs at PHHS the PCs boot in under a minute. But, just this past week I thought I logged out of one of the P3s and I actually restarted it. The restart to log-in, then to the OS was approximately the same as you said, MB. What would a computer with 3x/4x the GHz seem like?

    >Second of all as I have stated before the true reason Mhz doesn't matter is because something like %98 of all computer users are not power users these are the people that will go buy a new computer tomorrow and if there is a 2.8Ghz computer sitting next to a 800Mhz computer they couldn't care they're going to buy the cheap one.

    >(MacBandit, in a previous post) The people that really desire the speed at least most of them know the difference between Mhz and overall system speed.

    My entire previous post, starting from the first lengthy paragraph was trying to explain why MHz doesn't matter. I agree with your point of view, but I am trying to expand the MHz/GHz speeds of a G4 to how it would compare against a P4 of ≈ same speed. My post had approximations, so that's why I say approximately equal to, not =. But my point is that the G4 can actually surpass the P4 at 3 or 4GHz speeds if the right apps are used.

    >They don't even care how much ram it has. I know this because I went computer shopping with my boss for work(yes for a PC). He wanted my help. Well little help I was he bought the cheapest computer he could get with 64MB of Ram I suggested we upgrade it later and he agreed well that was 2 years ago still it sits with 64MB of RAM in it. Oh and I might add it still has all the stickers on the front of it.

    Well I didn't mention RAM, but I will now. Try running OS X (even 10.1) on ANY computer with 128MB of RAM or less. I have with my iMac 233 (w/64MB of RAM) and my iBook 467 (with 128MB). The iMac was a complete drag. My iBook is rather slow, but it works fine. My Cube G4 has 1GB of RAM and must be at least 2 or 3 times faster than my iBook, depending on what tasks I perform.

    >These people don't care about this stuff all it's used for is mail and the occasional websearch and most people are like this.

    Now this brings up a different issue (as well as MHz): OS Stability. Sure, XP may have fixed *some* :snicker: of the errors from older versions of Win. Yet it still isn't totally stable.

    Wherever there is a PC for that stuff, there is a low-end PowerMac for them. It's called an iMac. :cool:


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  • citizenzen
    Apr 3, 08:50 PM
    California has one of the worst budget deficits and some of the most regulations.

    State Projected FY 2012 deficit (Deficit as percent
    of 2011 spending)

    1. Nevada - $1,500,000,000 (45%)
    2. New Jersey - $10,500,000,000 (37%)
    3. Texas - $13,400,000,000 (32%)
    4. California - $25,400,000,000 (29%)
    5. Oregon - $1,800,000,000 (25%)
    6. Minnesota - $3,800,000,000 (24%)
    7. Louisiana - $1,600,000,000 (21%)
    8. New York - $10,000,000,000 (19%)
    9. Connecticut - $3,200,000,000 (18%)
    10 South Carolina - $877,000,000 (17%)

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  • rdlink
    Apr 15, 04:27 AM
    How much does a job like this pay? Looks like Microsoft has a Data Center Manager position open. Maybe I'll apply. How hard can it be?

    Just the fact that you asked the question means you're not qualified. Does that clear it up for you?


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  • lord patton
    Nov 14, 01:03 PM
    With their proprietary dock connector becoming ubiquitous in cars and airplanes, it's only a matter of time before the government uses anti-trust law to crack down on Apple. Not because they really believe iPod dominance threatens the "public good" (whatever that is), but because it will be a way to extort protection money from Apple (i.e. campaign contributions) and sell government services (regulatory predation) to their competitors.


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  • desigarms
    Apr 20, 02:20 PM
    Wait....there are rules...but then apple can bend them as they see fit?

    The rules should apply to all or to none.

    Just another reason I really hate apple and cant wait for jobs to leave.

    Exactly!!! I'm sick of Apple's crap. I went to Android and not looking back.


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  • grooveattack
    Feb 23, 03:41 PM
    oooo high as pos please. was thinking dvd screen shot but it looks pants.

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  • Sydde
    Apr 27, 11:01 AM
    I heard his poll numbers are just combed-over from last month.


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  • roadbloc
    May 5, 01:15 PM
    It's a tax on system resources, not financial.
    Seriously? A few MB's of RAM saved is worth over double the price? I'm not bashing Apple here, I love my Mac and I love OS X, but Windows 7 with an antivirus runs a hell of a lot smoother on my iMac than Snow Leopard does. When you take that into account, it pales into insignificance does running an antivirus.

    Not to mention that plenty of OS X users now use an antivirus, despite there being no real need to.

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  • reden
    May 1, 01:06 AM
    gamestop only allow preorder for pc. Do they give code for mac? I dont want to pre-order a pc product since I want to play on native mac.

    Same key will work for both Mac and PC dude.

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  • JDDavis
    Mar 6, 06:42 AM

    Really like the tone and the kind of retro feel. It's simple but it works well.

    Oct 12, 05:51 AM
    wonder if we might see dedicated graphics for mbs now....:rolleyes:

    Jan 15, 09:32 AM
    I am new here to the forum and was wondering if anyone could advise why only some of my contacts have matched accross?

    Is it due to the fact that some of my numbers start +44 in my phonebook and they may start 07.... in facebook??

    not sure what credentials it uses to compare and match the different phonebooks i.e name, number ect.

    anyone know? :D

    as far as i can tell with my own contacts, only name and email address were used for synching.

    Dec 2, 04:34 PM
    just tried to go to the website and it is no longer online

    Apr 30, 06:07 PM
    Considering that nearly all "Pro IT" overwhelmingly used Windows

    Their entire careers depend on maintaining an OS that needs constant maintenance. Windows is inherently broken, and an entire industry grew up to take full advantage of exactly that. Too funny.

    Nov 11, 03:31 PM
    FB places is great and so is the iPhone - But I use it only sparingly. Still one of those people who is increasingly scared of all this open technology

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